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Controlling operators using instanced standIns with per instance attributes.

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Controlling operators using instanced standIns with per instance attributes.

I'm trying to dynamically hide objects inside instanced standins through a per instance attribute but I can't seem to get it to work so I must be doing something totally wrong or just misunderstanding how to use operators.

For example I have a maya scene with 4 spheres, sphere01-04 which is then exported as a standin. I instance that standin onto a bunch of points in houdini and then add an integer attribute, "i@switchID", on the points that gives each instance a random int between 0-3. I then re-export the instances into a new standin that get loaded into maya. I now want to use operators and the "switchID" attribute to hide the non specified 3 spheres in each instance. Basically having each instance randomly render a sphere.

I tried running a aiUserDataInt node into a aiSwitchOperator node that has a bunch of aiSetParameter that hides and shows the different spheres but it doesn't seem to pick up the user attribute. I know the switch node setup itself works as I can manually set the index and hide the corresponding sphere but I can't for the life of me get it to use the per instance attribute.

Am I approaching this wrong or have I just reached a potential limitation of the operator implementation?

Message 2 of 2
in reply to: Anonymous

The aiUserDataInt part won't can't have a shader plugged into an operator node.

// Stephen Blair
// Arnold Renderer Support

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